Italian ufologists are investigating reports of a large black panther said to have killed and mutilated livestock in the province of Tarquinia, 110 kilometers (66 miles) north of Rome. "In Tarquinia, numerous reports of a ferocious animal, said by some to be a panther, have circulated." In late February, "a cow was found dead in a field 1.5 kilometers from a stock breeding farm located just south of Aurelia Bis. The animal had been in the field for two or three days. The flesh had been stripped from its bones, and all that remained was the spine. People in the area continually talk about the problem." "The last sighting was on the border with Tuscania (Italy's Tuscany province--J.T.) Umberto Angelini was horseback riding in a farm area near Pisciarello when he spotted the strange creature a considerable distance away." According to Commandante Amorevole of the local Carabineri (Italy's national police--J.T.), "'Angelini was a good distance away, not in close proximity to the animal. He was about 400 meters away from the field, and he saw a great black animal--a beast able to rip the flesh right off the carcass of any animal weighing 60 kilograms and carrying it away..'" The Carabineri "excluded the possibility of the animal being an escaped lion or tiger. They also excluded as the culprit a selection of other known predators." (Grazie a Alfredo Lissoni di Centro Ufologico Nazionale d'Italia per questo rapporto.)
UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5 Number 21 May 25, 2000 Editor: Joseph Trainor
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